Gather | Grow | Go

We believe our faith grows best in community. Worship at Royston Baptist Church focuses on our need to honor, hear and follow God. With reverence and warmth, we listen for God’s leadership and give thanks for God’s care. If you are seeking a place where your mind, heart and soul can be fed, we invite you to join us for worship.

Because we never fully understand God and faith, the journey of faith is lifelong. To grow in faith we need discipline, challenge and the support of a loving community. Royston Baptist Church offers ministries for all ages that encourage growth, service and build community. There’s a place for you to grow at Royston Baptist Church.

Our faith calls us to follow the model of Jesus, and that leads us to serve others. We believe that our care for others is a central way of sharing God’s love with the world. Royston Baptist Church offers opportunities to serve in our community, our nation and in specific global partnerships. Together with God’s presence, we can make a real difference in our world.

A Place to Do Life Together
We believe that fellowship is as central to our church family as worshiping, growing, and serving. By gathering around the tables for Wednesday night suppers, or laughing together at quarterly covered dish lunches after church, or gathering for a game night and fellowship on any given weeknight, we see community as a valuable way to strengthen to bonds of love.

Service Times
Sunday School 10-11
Sunday Service 11-12
Wednesday night
Family Dinner 5:15- 6:15
Bible Studies 6:15- 7:15