A Word About Us
Who is Royston Baptist Church?
We like to think of ourselves as educated Baptists committed to meeting the needs of the community around us. Royston Baptist Church has been on the corner of Cook and Church street since 1882 and we are committed to showing people the love of God through action and word. We want to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and care for those in need. We take seriously studying the Bible and making it relevant to our setting today. We welcome different voices than our own and have many different opinions on almost any topic! We believe that’s okay because more important than an opinion on a topic is people and loving people. We love one another first!
Our worship incorporates scripture readings, prayer, and various types of music to help everyone experience God in one way or another. We invite anyone who feels led to get involved, whether you have a love and talent for music, enjoy reading scripture, or want to lead a children's sermon! We believe that worship is a corporate event where everyone present is important. We follow the lectionary at times and do sermon series on current events as well. We are a family church open to others being a part of what God is doing in our midst.
We have a passion for children and youth! We over-invest in our future because we know the importance of overseeding at such a critical age. We know that if someone makes a decision to follow the ways of Jesus Christ during those early years they have that many more years to live out the teachings of Jesus the rest of their lives!
We are a teaching church! Royston Baptist Church lives into its identity of being a great training ground for young ministers that are trying on ministry for the first time and consider our church a safe place to experiment with ministry! We strive to involve college students in all aspects of our church family: through teaching bible studies, leading worship, singing in the choir, running the sound board. We would love to welcome anyone feeling a call to church leadership to visit us and get involved!